— You have to find a name for it before it starts... A first name for a prostitute woman often contains an y inside, the “y” is the suggestion, the opening, the gap, the embrasure, the golden dream, Debby, Marylin, Myriam, or else the first name ends in a, the a also suggests femininity, softness, roundness: they have the choice. Lola, Sonia, Vanessa, Fiona, Rita, Carolina, Fiona, Rita, Carolina, all you have to do is add an “a” to the last consonant.
— Natacha, she can be called Natacha, that sounds good, right?
Immediately, I accepted this name, it sounded Russian, sexy and full of crap. It all started at the age of 18, with this announcement read in the local press, in Charleroi, Belgium, very close to the French border, “bar hostess, well paid”. Yes, I admit, I had just passed my high school diploma, and I had it. Unbelievable. A woman in her forties. She takes me far away, there, to this unknown city. We had to drive more than six hours to reach Belgium. Bar hostess, that sounded good.
— Being a woman, maintaining yourself well, is expensive Natacha, very expensive, she repeats over and over again along the way.
I am listening to it. Envy. She is beautiful, long, well made up, well dressed. Assurance, trust. Everything I don't have. She drops me off in an apartment, above the bar, called Aux Sirène Bleues.
We are eight girls, now, so young, so cute, one very fat, another very thin, a blonde, a redhead, I must have been the missing brunette. Evening. I wear makeup. At least, that's for sure, with my red and swollen mouth, my blackened eyelashes, my pantyhose, I will be seen. Eyeliner, a black or silver line that curls. In the mirror, I further accentuated femininity, underlined the lips, pink, red, always, I again lengthened, curved my eyelashes, plated my eyelids with blue, mauve; the feminine is often long, thin, stretched, stretched, slender, slender, again emphasized the breasts, again emphasized the breasts, offered the chest, the feminine is wide, round, and generous.
A mask, a disguise, a call: I am fully aware of it.
Last night, I don't really remember what we did, I just think we laid a guy down — who was it? — no he was not a regular, and he had been sprayed with champagne on his stomach and lower abdomen — what other alcohol, let's see? — and that it had been mightily licked, sucked, swallowed. A beautiful evening, under the full red equinox moon. Outside in autumn, outside the moon illuminated the slugs, the nettles and those snails that came out, slimy and Soft of their shells. The guy — well who was he? — it was licked, sucked, swallowed. To the last drop. There were three of them looking at us and throwing bills in our face, bills in the butt, bills in the slots, in all the slots. We had smoked cannabis, we were elsewhere, we were opening up, we were tearing each other up, so we had stripped them all naked, and vacuumed them up.
To the last dew, to the last cent.
Now, here we are, all five of us, in the morning, with our ten guilty hands on the yellow earthenware bowls, and with the fifty bright red nails grasping the crumbs from the croissants. Yes, because I'm still the one who gets up to go get the croissants at the gas station just behind me. The only correct place that delivers good French pastries.
The mouths that swallowed the sperm are still present, the mouths forget the soft balls, the hairs, and tear the puff pastry, swallow the butter.
In the background, we could hear Marguerite doing the cleaning, scrubbing the walls, scrubbing the walls, tapping the carpets, opening the windows wide, Marguerite never ate vegetables or fruits, it's for the cows, she said, and she said, and never drank water, it rusted, she said. Marguerite asked me questions all the time, and finally she often answered her own questions, which allowed me to remain silent.
She never went out, staying locked in this house; in turn, people went shopping for her, buying her beer. This house, its walls, was its thighs, its legs, this house was also our body.
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